
Biz senin gerçekleriniz
Gidersen eğer yine bekleriz
dönmek istemezsen hosçakal deriz
Ama unutma seni severiz ve çok özleriz
Sensiz ne yaparız biz

Danke danke
Aber ich habe viel zu tun
Muss ab in die Kiste um morgen lang im Bett zu ruhen
Denn ich flüchte
Vor den realen Banalitäten
Vor der großen Show
Im globalen klo

We just want to remember you, that our civilization
is in a very difficult situation
and we have a certain responsibility
to save it’s power and it’s dignity

Seninle işimiz daha bitmedi
böyle şey olmaz
hiç de hoşumuza gitmedi
kalemini al ve yaz
sorumluluklarından arındın
yanımızda olmadın
ve bizi çok ucuz sattın

Na seid doch mal realistisch.
Es geht nicht nur ums Geld,
sondern auch um die Macht
und um die ist’s gut bestellt.

Now you know how we felt
when the cathastrophy happened
now we expect from the world
that they go for the weapons.

Tabii tabii,
sorun degil ki abi.
Bizim çevremiz geniş
yoluna koyarız illaki.

Wir sind verschiedene Realitäten.
Wir sind nicht hier zum schmeicheln.
Es steht schlecht um dich,
wenn wir dich nicht mehr erreichen.

We are your realities!
We are your realities!
We are your realities!
Never say please please please!

We are your realities!
We are your realities!
We are your realities!
And we’re not here to tease!

We’ve got the media in our hands.
The whole world waits for our commands.
Hope you’re in position.
We know your brains condition
and got the dope that you need.
We’re here to feed your brain, heart and soul.
Greed keeps you deep in a big black hole.
We need more than you know,
We need more than you know,
We need more than you know,
More than you’ve ever known brother, mother, madam and mister.

Ich hab dich vermisst, entdeckt und registriert.
Du bist ein schön verziertes, auffälliges Element
in einer vehement fremden Welt
Die sich immer weiter dreht
und immer kleiner und kleiner wird.
Du bist neugeboren und schaust verklärt und verwirrt.
Wir sind die Sippschaft, die dich nun umwirbt.
Dein Konsumverhalten wird ausspioniert
und du fängst an zu kaufen,
noch vor dem Laufen.

Aman ha!
Bize sakın derdini yanma!
Dediğimi anlamadıysan
bize de kanma
çünkü kalbinde ve dilinde düşünceler tutsak olmaz.
Öyle degilmi?
Öyleyse konuş!
Ama çoğu konuşulanlar hoş ve boş.
Kanatlanmış çirkin bir kuş olmuş, ucmuş,
medya yoluyla top gibi patlamış,
Seni de bizden almış götürmüş.

We are your papa,
your mama,
your everything.
We know you till the end and from the beginning.
We tell you what to do
and we tell it all again,
keep our eyes on you baby
when you’re sparkling.

We are your realities!
We are your realities!
We are your realities!
Never say please please please!

We are your realities!
We are your realities!
We are your realities!
And we’re not here to tease!

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